插件是一个独立的模块,可以添加到 Day.js 中以扩展功能或添加新功能。
¥A plugin is an independent module that can be added to Day.js to extend functionality or add new features.
默认情况下,Day.js 仅包含核心代码,没有安装插件。
¥By default, Day.js comes with core code only and no installed plugin.
¥You can load multiple plugins based on your need.
你可以构建自己的 Day.js 插件来满足不同的需求。
¥You could build your own Day.js plugin to meet different needs.
¥Feel free to open a pull request to share your plugin.
Day.js 插件的模板。
¥Template of a Day.js plugin.
export default (option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
// extend dayjs()
// e.g. add dayjs().isSameOrBefore()
dayjsClass.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(arguments) {}
// extend dayjs
// e.g. add dayjs.utc()
dayjsFactory.utc = arguments => {}
// overriding existing API
// e.g. extend dayjs().format()
const oldFormat = dayjsClass.prototype.format
dayjsClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
// original format result
const result = oldFormat.bind(this)(arguments)
// return modified result