Day.js 使用重载的 getter 和 setter,也就是说,不带参数调用这些方法充当 getter,带参数调用它们充当 setter。
¥Day.js uses overloaded getters and setters, that is to say, calling these methods without parameters acts as a getter, and calling them with a parameter acts as a setter.
由于 dayjs 对象是不可变的,所有 setter 将返回一个新的 dayjs 实例。
¥As dayjs objects are immutable, all setters will return a new dayjs instance.
这些映射到原生 Date
¥These map to the corresponding function on the native Date
dayjs().second(30).valueOf() // => new Date().setSeconds(30)
dayjs().second() // => new Date().getSeconds()
如果你在 UTC 模式,它们将映射到等效的 UTC。
¥If you are in UTC mode, they will map to the UTC equivalent.
dayjs.utc().second(30).valueOf()// => new Date().setUTCSeconds(30)
dayjs.utc().second()// => new Date().getUTCSeconds()