Day.js 对国际化有很大的支持。
¥Day.js has great support for internationalization.
¥But none of them will be included in your build unless you use that.
¥You can load multiple locales and switch between them easily.
还有一个 locale.json 文件包含每个版本的根目录中所有受支持的区域设置的列表。
¥There's also a locale.json file contains the list of all supported locales in the root of each release.
有关区域设置包的每个部分以及更新或自定义区域设置的方法的更多详细信息,请参阅 定制 部分。
¥More details on each of the parts of the locale bundle and the way to update or customize locale can be found in the customization section.
¥You are super welcome to add a locale by opening a pull request.